Monday 25 May 2015


Hey guys!

It's nearly been a year since I last made a post on this blog. If I'm totally honest, I completely forgot I had this a little while after my last post.

So I'm here to just direct you to my Google+ and DeviantArt pages. I post frequently on my G+, whereas on my DeviantArt, I post up to twice a month.

This might be used in the future for other work? Eh, how the heck should I know.

Peace! /)

Saturday 31 May 2014

Meet Blogger, the b*tch.

Okay, I promised to be posting a lot more reviews this week. But for some reason, BLOGGER WON'T LET ME! I'm lucky this is actually publishing because I've tried posting from every device! (Phone, tablet, laptop, computer and even my 3DS & Wii U!) This is really strange, I made for reviews (one was a double) this week and Blogger failed to publish them! And then deleted them! Soooo now I CANNOT be bothered to remake those reviews because I have LITERALLY no time...


Sunday 25 May 2014

Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) - Review

Hello everyone! It's finally time for another review! Today's review is about Animal Crossing: New Leaf!

So... it will soon be a whole year since AC:NL was released! And nearly a whole year since I got the game! I think is probably my all time favorite Animal Crossing game, and I've played all the past games, including Dōbutsu no Mori (Animal Forest)! It's a great simulator but it is REALLY addictive... and I'm a bit embarrassed to say... but I'm an AC addict :P

Anyway... to the review! I don't really know what to say about the game except that it's so AWESOME! I play this game everyday and I usually spend a good 1-2 hour session every time I play. So, basically you can be a mayor or villager in your very own personalized town, I flooded mine in tulips!
A mayor can:

  • Put town ordinances in place (e.g, a beautiful town, rich town, etc)
  • Can choose things to build in the town (e.g, a fountain, streetlights, etc)
  • Can take requests from villagers to build things for your town
  • Cancel projects and kick out villagers (note: to kick out villagers you must report them at least 3 times in one day)
A normal villager can do pretty much all a mayor can do, except cancel projects, build stuff and choose ordinances.

You can clothe your character, give them a makeover or change their hairstyle! Don't forget, earning bells (currency) to add furniture to your home and expand it too!


Villagers are animal NPCs that live in your town, you can talk to them, do them favors and visit them in their houses! You can also send them letters, invite them over, play hide and seek with them and hit them with your bug net!

Main Street

Main Street is the shopping district of your town. It starts off with five buildings, the post office, the home renovation store, the convenience store, the tailors' and the museum. There are six unlockable buildings, such as the hairdressers', the shoe shop, the flower shop, the dream suite, the fortune tellers' shop and the nightclub. 

OK, so that's pretty much all I can explain about the game, because I don't wanna spoil anything so I'm just gonna leave it there! I'm going to give this game a 9.5/10! Because it's against the law to give something a perfect 10! I'll try and put out as many reviews as I can in the coming week!

Thursday 22 May 2014

Mini Update

OK! So I've finally gotten back on track since I was ill (and since my last post!) I'm probably going to start writing more reviews and making more posts because I have a WHOLE WEEK OFF WORK YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! ...Ahem. I will try and make as many reviews as I can, but I won't have access to my computer most of next week and the Blogger app is evil. I will try and post daily!

Thanks! ~Kat
P.S. I might make a review or two this coming weekend!
P.P.S It will probably be another game review! (Most likely Animal Crossing: New Leaf)

Sunday 18 May 2014

YAY! I'm all better!

Hiya guys! Long time no... post? So, season 4 has finally come to an end! I hope the next season is as great as the last 4! (Except there were some flops here and there but it's all good) I doubt it will be that good. Personally, I think the finale was a bit too overdone.... and did they seriously show these episodes on a kids' channel?! I think whichever kids watched it probably have had nightmares, and are waiting to receive therapy... (OK, I know it wasn't that violent, but there were some disturbing bits like the HANDZ and the magic-eating) M'kay, now that S4 is done I need another subject to talk about... like... my condition! OK, so I'm still ill but I'm not as bad cuz' I don't have tonsillitis anymore... but I still have glandular fever! Yay! It's gonna take at least 8 weeks to get better...
For those who don't know what glandular fever is, please take a gander at my passage here:
Glandular fever is basically a follow-up from tonsillitis, and usually is the cause of it too...  Some of the symptoms are:

  • Sore throat
  • Swollen glands (the bumps at the side of your neck) (if they hurt go to a doctor soon)
  • Flu-like symptoms (headache, high-temp, muscle pains)
  • Malaise - basically extreme tiredness. Remember my post about my tiredness? Yup. That's the cause of it.

If you have developed anything like this, I recommend seeing a doctor immediately! (Except for a sore throat or headaches)

That's all from me! Oh... the reviews? I'll probably be releasing a bundle over the next couple of days!

Friday 18 April 2014

Been really tired the last week...

OK, so I haven't really posted anything in the last week, so I'm just gonna give it to y'all bluntly... I'm really tired. Not the kind of tired where I can't get to sleep, this is a strange kind of tiredness and I've tried going to bed earlier & sleeping a few extra hours and it just doesn't help. It's not a kind of tiredness where I work for hours on end and just can't do anything after... If anyone can tell me what's wrong with me or has a solution to what I should do to help this tiredness please message me in Hangouts or contact me via email. I doubt I'll be making any reviews this week so I'm just gonna let out a massive bundle of reviews next week probably on Wednesday or something.

Saturday 12 April 2014

No New Episode Today :(

There's not gonna be a new episode today due to the Littlest Pet Shop S2 Finale, maybe I should review that instead...?

I was really looking forward to this weeks episode... :/